
Quality confirmation


All our products are certified by the German company TUV Rheiland, both module B and module C. The CE mark on our products guarantees the highest standards of performance and product safety. Already in 2012, all of our guns were given a safety certificate. We are the first company in Poland, which all offer launchers are CE certified.

Since its inception in 1872, TÜV Rheinland Group has evolved from a regional research organization in leading international provider of services in the field of control. With new ideas, knowledge and global network, TÜV Rheinland helps to create a more competitive and safe products, services and systems. The mission and guiding principle of TÜV Rheinland Group is constantly striving to improve the safety and quality in order to meet the challenges arising from the interaction between man, technology and the environment.


Our pyrotechnics offered on the German market in addition to the CE certification also is certified by BAM Federal Institute. They are necessary for the introduction of pyrotechnics on the German market. Certificates BAM include physico-chemical studies of pyrotechnics in terms of safety and quality.

BAM Institute is part of the Ministry of Economics and Technology of the Federal Republic of Germany, which through innovative research and measurements is responsible for:

  • Promoting technology transfer in key areas of the economy of Germany
  • Physical and chemical controls of specialized materials and equipment
  • Implementation and evaluation of the physical properties and chemical products
  • Advisory services relating to the security of the government of Germany
  • Cooperation in the creation of legal regulations and safety standards
  • Development of safety technology and chemistry

Gaoo Fireworks otrzymała szwajcarski certyfikat dopuszczający nasze produkty na tamtejszy rynek. Przeprowadzona w Bundesamt für Polizei, Zentralstelle Explosivstoffe w Szwajcarii analiza naszych wniosków importowych zatwierdziła, iż spełniamy wszelkie wymagane przez Fedpol, czyli Federalny Urząd Policji w Szwajcarii, wymagania i tym samym dołączyliśmy do grona firm, które mogą sprzedawać swoje produkty na tamtejszy rynek!

Jak podaje Fedpol - około 1700 ton przedmiotów pirotechnicznych lub fajerwerków oraz 3000 ton materiałów wybuchowych jest wykorzystywanych co roku w Szwajcarii. Około 90 procent wszystkich fajerwerków pochodzi z importu. Import i produkcja w Szwajcarii podlegają ścisłej kontroli na szczeblu federalnym.


CerTrust Ltd. has world-class expertise in testing and certification services on the field of pyrotechnics.

We are both a Notified Body in the European Union in the conformity assessment procedures for pyrotechnic articles and we are actively involved in the regular meetings of the Notified Bodies, the standardisation committees, so we are up to date on the latest developments in the area and regulations.

Our experts are internationally recognised, not to mention that we are in daily contact with manufacturers, distributors and importers. Our pyrotechnic certificates cover all categories of the directive.