
Pyroforum 2013


The whole world of pyrotechnics. International platform and conferences for the pyrotechnics industry


22 and 23 March 2013 the company Gaoo participated in an international platform and conference for the pyrotechnics industry "PYROFORUM 2013".

The whole world of pyrotechnics manufacturers, wholesalers of fireworks and pyrotechnic equipment, institutions and associations met at a Renaissance castle in Ludinghausen in Germany.

During the "PYROFORUM" we presented our latest catalog 'SUMMER 2013'. We have presented new solutions and new designs in the launchers are introducing for the season of 2013.

On "PYROFORUM" was discussed many interesting topics concerning the pyrotechnics industry. We have obtained a new, specialized knowledge. We have read a dozen European companies If you are interested in our products and have established contacts with new partners.