New brands
In January 2014, the company Gaoo Management Sp. z o.o. changed its name to Fireworks Europe Innovation Sp. z o.o. while in our portfolio there are two new brands KASAK EXTREME and PROF. LIPKOWSKI.
Pyrotechnics of the 2nd and 3rd classes
Brand Gaoo well-known Polish customers debuted in 2008. We introduced the first two products that have been successful in the country. With the growth of interest in the brand, periodically broadened the offer. By 2014, our range is more than 150 items wielostrzałowych battery. In wyrzutniech implemented a new solution combining effects (simple fountain + launcher) and new construction (simple launcher + Angle). In 2013, we introduced the brand Gaoo European markets. We have made BAM certificates for all our products. Strong interest from foreign buyers again increased our production. The best proof of the favor from the markets are positive opinions of users of our products.
Pyrotechnics of the 3rd and 4th classes
Brand Kasak EXTREME is a new pyrotechnics, larger size and more power and quality of chemical compositions. It was created for the needs of the most demanding customers. Kasak EXTREME brand launched in 2014, offering the caliber batteries 30, 40 and 50mm in diameter, and the rocket tube of 20mm.